Blue Mountains Elvis Festival 2020 CANCELLED

It’s with great regret that we have to cancel the Festival this year.

We had a great line up planned for this year including:- World No. 1 Gordon Hendricks (UK), Ireland’s No.1 John Coates and some of Australia’s finest ETA’s including Brendon Chase , Brody Finlay, Carmine Cimilio, Stuey V & Peter Paki (Tom Jones).

All pre sold tickets and accommodation packages for this year will be refunded in FULL over the coming weeks.  Please see our Facebook page for more information.

Next year’s festival will go ahead bigger and better than ever with hopefully Gordon Hendricks and John Coates again headlining the overseas acts together with a few surprises.

The Festival team of :-
Col Greene, Promoter/Owner
Ben Greene, Sound & Lighting
Gordon Carlsen, Festival Manager
Shaylee Wilde, administration

will be doing our best over the next 14 months to make the 2021 Blue Mountains Elvis Festival the best ever.


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